Friday, 31 May 2013

How to Care Vitiligo in Children

Vitiligo is a common skin disorder of the auto immune type which forms white patches on the patients’ skin. This is caused due to the de-pigmentation of the skin. De-pigmentation occurs when the skin lacks melanin. Melanin is a bodily substance produced by melanocytes. When the formation of melanocytes is interrupted or they are destroyed, the patient’s skin loses color as a result of which certain body parts turn white. Vitiligo has also been diagnosed in children recently.
Research has shown that excessive dependence on junk food and the relationship with other auto-immune diseases such as Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism and Alopecia have become contributing factors towards Vitiligo. It is now important that parents should keep a watch on the diet of the children. Some eating guidelines should be formed by adults who include a healthy combination of vegetables and should be overall a supplementary diet which helps to improve the children’s immunity system.

The Parent’s Role

Parents play a very important role in the treatment of Vitiligo in children. It is their responsibility to provide adequate awareness to the child about his/her disease. Most parents fail to do this and leave the child to suffer on its own. As a parent, you should remember that certain environments may get stressful for your child if he is suffering from Vitiligo. The disease is also a common issue among children who are 11-17 years old. People falling in this age bracket are usually teenagers who are very picky about their appearance.  Vitiligo may not only lower their self esteem but also leave them helpless when it comes to facing their social circles.
In situations like these, it is the parents’ sole responsibility to look after their child and do not let him/her fall into depression due to Vitiligo.

Vitiligo Treatment for Children

The parents should be aware that a disease such as Vitiligo cannot be completely cured. The child should also be should be taught that a 100% eradication of white spots is just next to impossible. However, certain treatment methods control the formation of white patches and start the re-pigmentation process in the child’s skin. The treatment methods that are most suitable for children are:

UVB Treatment

The UVB method has proved to be a promising one for treating Vitiligo in children. It is safe, efficient and harmless since children may not be able to tolerate severe methods used for treatments. This therapy involves radiation using narrowband UVB which is conducted for at least a year.

Tropical Corticosteroid

Used for both children and adults, the Tropical Corticosteroids method involves the use of tropical combinations for the treatment of Vitaligo. Tropical combinations refer to such creams and lotions which are prepared to control the de-pigmentation and enable the process of re-pigmentation in the patient’s skin.
In addition to treating the child medically, it is your job to him/her stable emotionally. Do not under any circumstances force your child to cover up his Vitiligo patches. Also, do not stop him/her from attending social gatherings. Allow him to be comfortable and if signs of depression or withdrawal still persist, take help from an expert.

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